(2002-04-18) h

Article about Charter School accountability implies Anthony Alvarado is not in favor them, while Jerry Brown is. From 1992-97, San Diego chartered more schools than any other district in the country. However, since then a change in the district administration may have altered this charter-friendly environment. Alan Bersin and Anthony Alvarado, the new leadership team for the San Diego school district, do not see charter schools as a beneficial component of their systemic reform efforts. Thus, the criteria for granting and renewing charters might change accordingly. Conversely, in northern California, the new mayor of Oakland, Jerry Brown, is supportive of charter schools. As a result, it would not be surprising to see the number of charter schools in Oakland rise.

But another article doesn't agree. Of all the district leaders we interviewed, Springfield Superintendent Peter Negroni was the most vocal supporter of charter schools. Given his background, his support for choice is not surprising. For example, Negroni worked with Anthony Alvarado, one of New York City's most successful advocates of choice, and was hired by Springfield a decade ago with the explicit mandate to reform the Springfield public schools. Indeed, he talks about training his principals in the expanded choice models that Alvarado pioneered in New York City's Districts 2 and 4.

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