(2002-04-30) i

Design For Community interview with Howard Rheingold. Virtual Community is a subset of Online Social Network... If you go back to the earliest visions of Douglas Engelbart in 1963, in his paper on augmenting human intellect, he was talking about a system that consisted of humans using methodology, language, artifact and training. Human interface is only part of the artifact part of this. There's the language and methodology and the training. You don't go out and buy that when you buy a box. How is that going to be delivered?

I mean, you know, Story Telling has always been something people do with each other. It's only been recently that you have to go to Disney or ABC to get your stories.

One of the other important thing is democracy is not just about voting for your leaders, it's about intelligent conversation among citizens. And we've lost a lot of that communication in Mass Media. So a corollary to the question, will we see an emergence of a literacy of netiquette is: will we see intelligent political discourse continue online and will that have an affect?

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