(2003-10-02) Ozzie Workspaces Contra Email
Ray Ozzie on why workspaces (e.g. Groove, Discussion Forum, Wiki ThreadMode) are superior to EMail. But he seems focused on the SpamWars/etc noise problem, with workspaces being gated communities.
I think there's a Universal Inbox need where each user needs to bring together and filter/prioritize cross-media claims on his attention. He also ignores the AdHoc Group Forming Networks issue which Jon Udell raised: 2003-09-15-UdellEmailSpecialPower. By coincidence Tim Bray [notes the breadth of options in the Input Spectrum. And he notes Lauren is setting up to do a big, fascinating consulting project revolving around a massive procurement decision, and we talked it over and convinced each other that a Wiki would be a really good way for the team to structure the analysis and decision-making. I wonder whether the discussion itself will be via Wiki ThreadMode, or Email Discussion Beside Wiki?
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