(2003-11-14) Macomber Constraints Scrum

Hal Macomber quotes Clarke Ching on applying ToC Thinking Processes to traditional Project Management, then explores the assumptions challenged by Agile Software Development (Scrum), finally comparing a bit to Critical Chain Project Management. Clarke examines three cause and effect assumptions behind the evaporating cloud as it was described. He sets out to invalidate each one.

I Commented: I don't see the synergy. I see CC as a significant improvement to traditional Planning in its use of Slack. But I don't think it challenges the underlying assumptions in the ways that scrum/agile does (as your last 3 bullets show quite well). It seems to me like CC still depends on Big Design Up Front, whereas agile does Just Enough thinking ahead to prioritize the functionality to deliver and concentrate on the plan/design for just that piece.

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