(2004-06-16) Greenspun Google Office
Philip Greenspun predicts that Google will extend beyond GMail to compete with MsOffice (via WebApp semi-RichClient - IOS). I thought Yahoo would go in this direction years ago, but then a Hollywood guy took over...
Rick Klau has similar thoughts - predicting that GMail will add RssAggregator features to become a Universal Inbox.
A big problem I have with the WebApp model is how to integrate stuff when you work with more than one vendor. Will Google have Open Formats to integrate with another app?
Update Jul12: Phil Wainewright on Yahoo buying OddPost. But notice how the competitive ground has subtly shifted here. It's not merely a question of offering 1GB storage space (well actually Yahoo! will be offering 2GB, according to Oddpost) along with virus protection and spam filtering. The big deal now is having a slick user interface on your online service.
- hmm, they've still been MsIE-only. Will that change?
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