(2004-10-13) Barlow Anybody But Bush

John Perry Barlow makes the Anybody But Bush pitch. Gradually, I have watched the steam go out of the Anybody-But-Bush crowd as we realized that anybody, in this instance, was the increasingly irksome John Kerry. People who, several months ago, were ready to go door-to-door in Ohio in order to defeat Bush are unwilling to even campaign among their friends to elect John Kerry. And I have become, I must admit, one of these. Being an actual Kerry supporter just seems, well, un-cool. For the last month or so, the election seemed reminiscent to me of ads for the film "Alien vs. Predator, " the tag line of which goes, "Whoever wins, we lose." (Further, it has seemed right to me that one of these characters is an alien and the other a predator.)... And one thing I will say for George W Bush, he has disabused me of my old belief that it doesn't really matter who's President.

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