(2006-05-01) Hon Animal Crossing As Young Ladys Illustrated Primer
Adrian Hon: The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer
With the exception of playing Civilization on the PC, my Nintendo DS has taken the throne as the all-time games ‘device’ I’ve ever had. (Computer Game)
It offered all sorts of possibilities, including one that is apparent now – the DS can be a machine that shows you how to live. Let me explain the background first.
All of this is light and fun and entertaining for adults. However, for kids, I imagine it’s quite instructive.
I’m pretty sure that many kids would learn more from playing Animal Crossing than any so-called edutainment title. And that’s when it struck me – Animal Crossing is truly a forerunner of The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer.
I find the notion that we are slowly progressing towards new ways of teaching children by doing very interesting and worthy of further investigation.
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