(2006-08-22) Dougherty Authentic Experience
I was going through Make Mag, and feeling like "these people have too much time on their hands, what's the point of these obsessions?" and realizing that it probably comes down to a need for Meaning. And right in that very issue is Dale Dougherty writing about the MakerFaire, saying The new interest in DIY is more than just fun; it's part of a deeper search for Authentic experiences, something our contemporary culture just doesn't offer enough of... The process of designing and making something (D And D) requires a high level of Engagement; it requires that you learn to do something and stay engaged until you've accomplished it... When we buy something we choose to be less engaged... When you make something, you create a story (Story Telling), also of your own making, which can be shared easily with others. It's a genuine expression of yourself and your own ingenuity.
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