(2007-09-07) Couch Db
CouchDB, an Erlang-based Data Store, makes some interesting choices. ReST, JSON, Map Reduce, etc. (Scalability)
Also, some notes on building it on MacOs X.
Sam Ruby [points](http://intertwingly.net/blog/2007/09/12/Dare-Takes-a-Look-at-Couch D B) to some comments by Dare Obasanjo. What I have come to realize is that the very things that make J2EE and Relational Data Base-s suitable for Enterprise scale applications are the very things that act as road bumps on Work Group scale and on web-scale applications.
Sam Ruby [links](http://intertwingly.net/blog/2007/09/16/Media-Types-for-Couch D B-views) to bits noting that you can talk to Couch D B with other languages.
Sam Ruby is building Bas Ura as a Python-based equivalent to help understand and document the external interfaces of CouchDB. In the process, hopefully I can make suggestions that will improve the consistency of this interface.
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