(2007-10-22) Hoffman Scalability
Jason Hoffman of Joyent on building for Scalability (at [z2007-10-01-NycStartupCamp])
(expect to spend 10% of your revenue on operational costs: he's definitely including Managed Hosting and Band-Width, but does that also include SysAdmin labor? Dev team?)
leverage DNS
put static content under separate host-name/sub-domain
plan from the start for a hash-driven File System (think I have the label wrong - is BigTable similar idea?), to avoid having more than 10k children of any node
each Layer you add to your Infrastructure should provide 10x leverage of the layer below
- Apache reverse-CachingProxyServer fails that test.
uses 2 caches:
in front of your Application Server: Varnish
between the app-server and the Data Base:
avoid state (Shared-Nothing): stuff all session data into Web Cookie
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