(2008-01-31) Zed Cusec Acl Dead
Zed Shaw spoke at CUSEC-2008. Topics include: surviving as an in-house Enterprise developer (DayJob), why ACL-s are dead.
people wrote time-based notes which are handy. There are also comments about Security there.
he used the Factor language for his Presentation Software.
In his notes he also slags Larry Constantine and Alan Cooper: who comes into a company telling Management that all their woes aren't because the MBA-s in charge put a bunch of programmers in a room and demanded that they build a social network without a single bit of graphic design help. Nope, it's the programmer's fault.
He also slags Jon Udell and "the other" ReST people for not really knowing HTTP. It's also sad that pundits like Jon have such a tiny grasp of just how shitty HTTP 1.1 actually is in practice. It's not that great of a protocol thanks to bizarre corporate interests and stupidity from the original designers.
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