(2008-11-12) Open Source Sustainability
Matt Asay of Al Fresco (feh, Java) spoke to the Ny Cto Club today about whether the Open Source model is really Sustainable.
is an Open Source CMS
started by people from Documentum
big Consultant-s use them in big expensive projects, but donate back no money or code
companies in general tend to pay for support on Open Source systems for a couple years, then keep using it but stop paying
Does he want money or code?
hybrid: RedHat Enterprise
source avail but not free for commercial use: Sugar CRM
pay to use brand, else White Label
charge consultants only
run market for users to bid for features
start consulting arm
don't expect to have a company: have 1 sponsored dictator, network of inner circle Free Agent-s
copy Mutual Insurance model: CoOp equity, future discounts...
Contribution of code
companies think of every line of their code as Intellectual Property, CTO doesn't need the battle
- hmm, what if he just doesn't tell anyone?
way for companies to attract good developers
developers not treated as Creative Professional-s
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