(2009-02-05) Ted Video Understand
New York City folks could watch TED's live video feed for nominal cost. I watched the Understand session.
Stephen Collins has his notes up.
My notes:
MC: June Cohen
Nina Jablonski: I'd like the "wonderful" drugs she's on
fix math education (Educating Kids)
teach Statistics, not calculus
more useful for most people
reality has changed from analog to digital
- continuous to discrete
has done previous TEDs, see videos
HIV spread
now steady state
1% of adult population
can be skewed
- Botswana stays at high level because treating keeps infected people alive
some big exceptions still
mostly in Africa
- but lots of Africa only 1% too
concurrency is big issue
highly infective during short period
- multiple partners during same period increases risk
drug treatment too expensive
esp Whole Product
vaccine would be different game
need to return focus to prevention
not just a western staple
we (audience) like artisan bread vs Wonder Bread
- or romanticizing our aggie past
we should respect the Progress symbolized by Wonder Bread
more available/cheaper than ever
as price dropped, added stuff
eggs, sugar, vitamins
- associated now with Obesity
Local Food is a luxury
we need to double food output (calories) by 2030
meat is primary means
need mechanization and other tech
more science than industrialized Big-Ag
drip irrigation
robot pickers
regional, not global/local
- Urbanization is huge trend, food recommendations have to be consistent with that
not her first book
first big success
"aren't you afraid you'll never have another hit?"
20 yrs ago: "aren't you afraid you'll never have a hit?"
why do we fear Creative careers compared to others?
she needs to isolate herself from fear of future reviews
seeking model
classical cultures
creativity comes from outside
Greek: daemon
Roman: genius
killed by Renaissance Individualism
- when use of "genius" changed
Ruth Stone, poet: talks about "feeling a poem rushing across the landscape at her, have to run inside to get pencil/paper before it blows past"
- argh: missed due to net failure
Margaret Wertheim: missed most of
crochet coral reef
kindergarten for grownups
- manipulatives
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