(2010-02-25) Schell Dice Outside Box Pervasive Real World Games

Jesse Schell [ponders](http://www.realtimetranscription.com/showcase/DICE2010/Jesse Schell/index.php) the coming pervasiveness of Real World Game-s and the implicit data trail (Panopticon). "Did you practice the piano?" "Yes." "What score did you get?" (He's started a blog to track new developments in the trend.)

Sept'2010 update: Buster Benson notes that Clever Advertising is a trick. Peer pressure is a trick (see my Ignite talk about using Peer Pressure as a motivational tool). Dead Line-s are a trick. New Year’s Resolutions are a trick. Guilt is a trick. Authority is a trick. Money is a trick. Making it a game is a trick. See what I’m trying to get at? Tricks are the fuel that we need to get things done (GTD). The things we get done, on the other hand, are a separate story. And are up to us, entirely... The key point, however, will be that we allow people to design their own games (Program Or Be Programmed). In order for this to not turn into a new way for corporations, the government, our bosses, parents, and religious leaders to control us (hello, conspiracy theorists!), we need to take ownership of our own lives, make sure that we design our own games, and that those games we design have a 1-to-1 relationship between what we want to do, and what we reward ourselves for doing.

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