(2010-09-13) Barrington TAG Snapshot
This is a copy of an email I just received from Number Two Son's fifth-grade (Elementary School) teacher - this is Barrington Il's Public School TAG program. I think it captures the awesomeness of the Self Contained program there... (see also 2009-10-15-BarringtonTag)
Good Monday Morning! And a beautiful day it is. Today, students will take the MAP math test in the afternoon, and they will take the MAP reading test on Wednesday morning. The students take an off-level test - meaning they start at the middle school level. I can talk more about this at conferences - or send me an email if you want more information. The students have been reading short biographies about artists, and on Friday, they will choose which artist they will study more in depth. We will be having an ART FAIR on October 27 - so save the evening! Your child will bring home more details on Thursday. (They created a piece of art in the style of their chosen artist, then for the Art Fair dressed up as the artist and explained their work/life to clusters of parents wandering through the "gallery".) This week we'll learn about fingerprinting and do some activities - we'll also be learning about secret codes in math. We'll be working on new leads for writing and using similes to good effect. We'll be reading Chasing Vermeer and learning more about Vermeer, stolen art, and Alexander Calder in connection to the mystery. Ask your child to tell you at least three things they learned in school each day!
This morning (we) put a SPECIAL POSTCARD in the mail to each child. Please look for it and be sure that your child reads it and brings it to school on Friday. They are not supposed to talk about it with any other student. It's a BIG secret. They'll be using the coded message on their card to put together clues with other students in order to solve a"mystery" here at school that will result in a fun treat!
Also - on Friday afternoon, we'll be making mobiles in the style of A. Calder and would welcome parent help. There are a lot of little strings to tie and we know from experience that a lot of the kids have trouble with that. We'll start the mobiles at about 1:20 - so if you can come then - we'd really appreciate it. We think the mobiles will take about an hour to make.
Mar'2015: same class just did this "Invention Convention" project.
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