(2010-11-10) Zed Tir Mongrel2 Lua Micro Framework
Zed Shaw has created a "Tir" microframework in Lua for Mongrel2. What if you have one process per interface (ConCurrency)? I see web applications going toward the single page interface design, and they usually seem to have a couple big URLs, with static content all over. What if I baked a web framework that utilized Mongrel2's sweet routing, ZeroMQ, and the Lua Co Routine-s but designed it so that there's one little Lua process per each page! Instead of one gigantic process that has to handle all of an application, you'd have a handful of little ones. Instead of scaling massive applications across a cluster, you just scaled each interface out as needed. Instead of upgrading the whole enchilada at once, you just upgraded each interface only if it needed it. Instead of worrying about migrating user's coroutines across upgrades you just did the "ErLang trick" and moved them over to the new deployments... you solve many problems that SeaSide has with upgrades and scaling.
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