(2013-08-25) Browser Future

Doing some pondering about where the Web Browser may be headed.

My bias is to keep it as thin/narrow as possible, so that it's fast and stable and simple.

But thinking the other direction might make sense, too...

Old: 2008-08-21-MozillaFutureBrowser

Also: 2012-07-10-KayInterview

Hmm, Cyber Dog/OpenDoc?

Does browser support of JavaScript and SVG make it a Universal Canvas?

Once you have a PlugIn system, is the browser much different than an Operating System with apps? An Internet Operating System?

SmallTalk-like browser? Potential Full Stack Web Framework?

  • Lively Kernel
  • 2012-04-07-JonesAlternativeSmalltalkVision
  • Zachary. Voase: "The Web is Becoming SmallTalk" - So if we’re moving into a world of treating the browser as a VM, the manager of a long-lived application state, we need the other parts of the Smalltalk model: live-editing and persistence.
    • cf (2007-01-20) Yegge Great Software Systems
    • discussion
    • Sean McDirmid post on Live Coding/REPL. A bunch of visual languages afterwards support liveness without really calling it such; Tanimoto (91) coins the term liveness to describe what they are already basically doing. Maloney and Smith re-coin the term liveness a few years later (95), independently of Tanimoto, to describe basically the same property in Self's Morphic. Burnett elaborates on Tanimoto's liveness in a nice VPL paper (98). In the mean time, REPLs and fix-and-continue environments abound in the Lisp and Smalltalk communities, but these are hardly live in the sense used here (though they also focus on early feedback).
  • Amber Smalltalk is an implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language that runs on the JavaScript runtime of a web browser. It is designed to enable client-side development using the SmallTalk programming language.

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