(2013-09-27) Watson Agile Killed The Project Star

Brian Watson says: *From a software delivery perspective, the concept of a Pro Ject has run its course. It’s time for companies to rethink their IT strategy to focus on smaller units of value (sound familiar?) (Agile Software Development) vs. bloated large-scale collections of stuff (defined start/end date, scope of work, yada yada).

Why? Well, organizations waste too much time and money trying to control projects. From PMO’s wanting to-the-minute time tracking and project status to QA and release management units creating self-imposed false constraints within organizations the concept of a project is a wasteful endeavor. Every attempt to reduce this waste only results in more layers (OverHead), more organization, more process, more waste. Let’s drop the pretense of all this management and truly lean out the organization. Redirect the funding away from control and use it to deliver more.*

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