(2017-03-25) Caulfield My Lazy Manifesto: On This Post-truth Moment: Technologies For Collaborative Exploration

Mike Caulfield: My Lazy Manifesto On This Post-Truth Moment: Technologies for Collaborative Exploration. My contention is that early visions of the web and digital technology (Vannevar Bush, Douglas Engelbart, Alan Kay, Tim Berners-Lee, Ward Cunningham) developed collaborative, exploratory approaches (Wiki, Memex, Dynabook, hypertext) as their dominant modes, but that later approaches (social media: Facebook, Twitter) chose modes that promoted propagation and tribalism.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Keep in mind that as the rest of the web has polarized, Wikipedia has, over the years, become less biased.

What would your platform look like if it made deeper investigation of an issue irresistible? If it made collaborative truth-seeking (Sense-Making) the norm? Hint: Almost nothing like tools look now.

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