(2017-06-28) A Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Hardbound Update

Nathan Baschez: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Hardbound Update. I believed that if someone invested a lot of work, time, and love, it could happen. It would be possible to create a totally new way to read, one that would connect with readers’ brains in a deeper way than ever before. It felt so inevitable to me

I want to make visual, interactive books that are designed for mobile. Hopefully start a business around it. (CardDeck)

Fast forward two years

attracted over 1,200 paying customers

Now, everyone has moved on but me, and I’m trying to figure out how to move forward.

It takes a lot of time and money to make a Hardbound story. Each one needs to be researched, written, edited, and illustrated. With a team of 3 part-time freelancers, we could make one story a week

We’ve built a great product (an app that has illustrated summaries of bestselling non-fiction books)

A couple weeks ago I had to tell the Hardbound team that I need to start helping them look for other work.

I’m driving towards the horizon in the desert

For me, the horizon represents a world where everyone is living their best possible life given the limitations of the universe. The particular angle I’m coming from is progress on the intellectual/emotional front. The closer I get, the more progress I make towards that goal. (personal development, agency)

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