(2017-08-14) How I Used Deep Learning To Train A Chatbot To Talk Like Mesorta

How I Used Deep Learning To Train A Chatbot To Talk Like Me (Sorta)

In this post, we’ll be looking at how we can use a deep learning model to train a chatbot on my past social media conversations in hope of getting the chatbot to respond to messages the way that I would

Chatbots that use deep learning are almost all using some variant of a sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) model. In 2014, Ilya Sutskever, Oriol Vinyals, and Quoc Le published the seminal work in this field with a paper called “Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks”.

one of the first things we need to do is consider the type of dataset that we would need to train the model. For sequence to sequence models, we need a large number of conversation logs. From a high level, this encoder decoder network needs to be able to understand the type of responses (decoder outputs) that are expected for every query (encoder inputs). Some common datasets are the Cornell Movie Dialog Corpus, the Ubuntu corpus, and Microsoft’s Social Media Conversation Corpus.

Our goal, with all these datasets, is to just create one unified file that contains pairs in the form of (FRIENDS_MESSAGE, YOUR_RESPONSE).

To generate word vectors, we use the classic approach of a Word2Vec model.

Update: I later learned that the Tensorflow Seq2Seq function trains word embeddings from scratch, so I don’t end up using these word vectors, but it was still good practice

let’s look at how to set up a simple FB messenger chatbot

The basic idea is that we set up a server using a simple Express app, host it on Heroku, and then set up a Facebook App/Page to connect to it.

Since I haven’t found a good interface between Tensorflow and Node (don’t know if there’s an officially supported wrapper), I decided to deploy my model using a Flask server, and have the chatbot’s Express app interact with it.

You can cherry pick a couple good results, but most are pretty nonsensical.

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion

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