(2017-10-03) Why Davidson Says Its Time To Rethink Higher Education
Why One Educator Says It's Time To Rethink Higher Education (College Degree)
Cathy Davidson's latest book, The New Education
leaving one of those elite institutions, Duke, for the City University of New York Graduate Center, where you direct something called the Futures Initiative
it's the largest public urban institutional system in the country
Our mission is to reach the top 100 percent. And if you think that's easier than reaching the top 4 percent, you're far-off.
In the best of all possible worlds, I want free tuition to everybody. In reality, I think a more calibrated solution is better
The basic structure of academe is the college major. But the major is what's most ossified — the least likely to be a good match for anything out in the real world.
community-based learning, co-curricular, study abroad programs, independent research projects and capstones ... All those things on the outside are what people really remember.
You include a list of tips at the back of the book — for students, on getting the most out of their college experience, and for professors and teachers, on making their classes more participatory and more of a level playing field for all people
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