(2017-01-25) Parker-Dewey - From Choosing A Major To Choosing A Job A College Senior's Perspective On Career Exploration
Lauren Detweiler of Parker Dewey: From choosing a major to choosing a job: A college senior’s perspective on career exploration. From a college student’s perspective, here are the benefits of doing as much career exploration as possible before jumping into a job:
1. It helps you academically
Experiential learning is, above all else, learning through reflecting on doing
2. It helps you access more jobs
demonstrate their skills
If the project does not lead to a full-time offer, it still helps build that vitally important professional network
3. It helps you identify the right job – before you start
While internships are an awesome opportunity to get to know a company over 8-12 weeks, most students will only have the chance to complete one or two internships during college, if that. And what happens if you realize during the first week that it’s not for you?
Another friend of mine who chose to take on small projects from companies throughout college to narrow down what he wanted to do, in addition to his internships.
For those who want to figure it out, Parker Dewey’s short term assignments are a great way to get real, professional experiences and start working toward those goals (and even make some money).
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