(2018-02-08) Monbiot As Robots Take Our Jobs We Need Something Else
George Monbiot: As Robots take our jobs, we need something else. I know what that is
Why bother designing robots when you can reduce human beings to machines? Last week, Amazon acquired a patent for a wristband that can track the hand movements of workers. If this technology is developed, it could grant companies almost total control over their workforce.
The robots have arrived, and you are one of them.
So where do we find identity, meaning and purpose, a sense of autonomy, pride and utility? The answer, for many people, is volunteering. (Non-Profit)
For Jeanne and Kieran, volunteering has given them what work once promised: meaning, purpose, place, community. This, surely, is where hope lies.
So here’s my outrageous proposal: replace careers advice with volunteering advice.
while there is little chance of finding jobs that match students’ hopes and personalities and engage their capabilities, there is every chance of connecting them with good opportunities to volunteer.
I would love to hear people reply, when asked what they do: “I volunteer at the food bank and run marathons. In my time off, I work for money.” (DayJob)
We should keep fighting for better jobs and better working conditions. But the battle against workplace technology is an unequal one. The real economic struggle now is for the redistribution of wealth generated by labour and machines, through universal basic income, the revival of the commons and other such policies. Until we achieve this, most people will have to take whatever work is on offer. But we cannot let it own us.
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