(2018-03-01) What Would Integration Of Draw.io With FedWiki Be Like

What would integration of draw.io (diagrams.net) with fedwiki be like? We have had some fun with AsciiFlow where the computer representation and the display representation are one in the same. This means the diagrams remain editable even as they are pasted as text.

There seem to be three schools of thought on drawing, when it relates to wiki.

(1) The diagram should be readable as text

(2) The diagram should represent nodes and edges.

it's up to a processor (e.g. Markdown) to figure out the "best" way to represent.

(3) The diagram follows the "picture is worth a thousand words" complicatedness

almereyda commented on Feb 25, 2018: In Markdown word processor world, mermaid has become fairly popular with GitLab¹ and HackMD² and has proven usable in real-time sketching and git'ted documenting of charts.

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