(2018-05-10) Jeffries Deadline Defense

Ron Jeffries: Deadline Defense There’s always a deadline... We have to be done on the day.

Every aspect of done, working, ready—every aspect has to be done on that day.

What about the day before?

So if the deadline is Day 100, we really need to be ready on Day 99

We can’t possibly be ready to ship on Day 1, can we?

What about Day 2?

think about what would happen if we could do this every day... If we could—and maybe it’s a big if—then we could hit any deadline with our product ready to go. And if we were to work on important things first and less important things later, we would hit the deadline with the best possible result given the time and money we had.

To me, this idea is the essence of Agile Software Development. Oh, yes, I support the Heart of Agile’s Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect, Improve, and I’m all for Modern Agile’s Make People Awesome, Deliver Value Continuously, Make Safety a Prerequisite, Experiment and Learn Rapidly. Those are great ideas from great people.

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