(2018-06-01) Forte Personal Sprints Applying Design Thinking To Your Life

Tiago Forte: Personal Sprints: Applying Design Thinking to Your Life

What if I applied this exact same concept to my personal life

Benefits of a personal sprint

Shortcut time: The difference between a yearly review versus a monthly review is vast. (in-between, consider the Quarterly Review cadence of the Effective Entrepreneur system)

Think about the Compounding effects you get to reap when you iterate every month (twelve times a year).

10x your productivity: (Self-Improvement)

both effective (working on the right things) and efficient (getting things done)

Prototype life:

How you can get started

The Google Design Sprint:

For the monthly sprints that I do, I tend to create an action plan at the start of each month based on a hypothesis I want to test, spend the rest of the month implementing the idea, and do a review at the end.

The 4 step process for personal sprints:


Choosing your goal idea is a two step process.

The goal of the first step is to write down 3-5 goals.

Second, similar to work sprints, choose one that is the most relevant and has the highest ROI to your personal roadmap right now. A question you can ask yourself is: Where do I want to be in one month?


Viewing them through the lens of SMART goals (specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, time-bound), what are the weekly deliverables you need to finish to hit your month-end goal?


When personal sprints revolve around creating habits, sometimes I even start half a month before the actual month to acclimate.


What went well? What didn’t? How can I improve for next week?

Results + impact of personal sprints

Workplace productivity

Business growth

Life well-being


When I first started the year-long project in 2016, I was wandering amidst the fog of confusion. With each iteration, it became more clear which direction I wanted to go in and how to get there. The future of work is experimentation, and personal sprints are ongoing experiments to create the life you want. (LifeStyleDesign)

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