(2018-07-30) Monday Morning Thoughts Local Http Servers And Containerisation

DJ Adams: Monday morning thoughts: local http servers and containerisation. One of my all time tech heroes Jon Udell wrote regularly for Byte

when Jon wrote about the idea of a service running directly on one’s local workstation, based around a local desktop web server, it was something pretty new

The idea of running a web server locally broke down the traditionally strict separation of client and server, broke down the conceptual barriers between what you ran on your workstation and what ran on servers that you couldn’t see. Suddenly we were considering services that ran locally

I was reminded this weekend of the concept of the near ubiquity of portable services fronted by web-based interfaces in a video I was watching on Kafka and PCF Dev.

The fact that I couldn’t work out whether the address in the URL bar (which you can see in the video) was something directly local or in a container (it was at least a private address) drove home the idea that discrete services and containers were in this context one and the same thing.

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