(2019-02-24) Eyal The One Fitness App That Hooked Me For Good
Nir Eyal: The One Physical Fitness App That Hooked Me For Good. Could there be a behavior more antithetical to human nature than exercise?
As an obese child, my mother dragged me to the gym to help me slim down
As an adult, I tried to prioritize the gym as part of my regular routine countless times but failed at each attempt. Until I found Fitbod.
Fitbod solves the internal trigger of uncertainty with one tap, telling the user exactly what to do next.
Here’s their Eyal Hooked Model: After identifying the first step of their hook, the internal trigger of uncertainty, Chen and Venticinque needed to ensure Fitbod’s Action Phase would quickly solve the user’s psychological need by providing certainty about what they should do in the gym.
telling me which exercises to do, in what order, how much weight to lift, how many repetitions to do, and even how long to rest between sets.
whereas most of Fitbod’s competitors ask users to embark on a lengthy multi-week program, Fitbod requires no long-term commitments. Similarly, if users fall off track, they can easily get back on track because the app is always ready with their next best workout.
Next, comes the Variable Reward Phase of Fitbod’s Hooked Model. Not only is there an element of surprise in discovering which exercises the app chooses for me (rewards of the hunt), but the app also brings out the intrinsically rewarding elements of exercise as well.
There’s variability in seeing if you can smash your personal best.
Finally, Fitbod gets smarter with use, a characteristic of well-designed, habit-forming products. The Investment Phase of Fitbod’s Hooked Model occurs every time I log an exercise.
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