(2019-03-17) Hooks My Blog Is A Digital Garden Not A Blog

Joel Hooks: My blog is a digital garden, not a blog. I'm considering how it affects the way I approach my little slice of the web at https://joelhooks.com. It is a blog, sure, but it is also a wiki. It's a spot where I can post ideas, snippets, resources, thoughts, collections, and other bits and pieces that I find interesting and useful

The second article is from Tom Critchlow titled Building a Digital Garden. What I really like about Tom's piece is his discussion of the idea of "non-performative blogging" in your personal space on the web. (2019-02-18) Critchlow Building A Digital Garden

Recently I revamped my blog to use Gatsby, and in doing so I went with the "traditional" blog style website. A linear newest-first sorted chronologically oriented list of posts. And I think it fuckin sucks.

The phrase "digital garden" is a metaphor for thinking about writing and creating that focuses less on the resulting "showpiece" and more on the process, care, and craft it takes to get there.

It's a comparison that you can take very far. From "planting seeds" and "pulling weeds" to tending mutiple gardens that each serve an individual need or desired outcome.

Like with real gardens, our digital gardens are a constant ebb and flow towards entropy.

We are all constantly bombarded with information, a lot of it is really good information too, but the challenge is absorbing it and applying it to the context of our lives and careers.

I'm convinced that paginated posted sorted chronologically fuckin' sucks.

Just like plants in the garden I've got posts that are in various stages of growth and nurturing. (Thinking Out Loud)

Curation comes before a chronological list.

My personal digital garden extends well beyond this domain. Twitter, Notion, Roam, Slack, Discord, and even Apple Notes all represent digital plots where I tend and water ideas

First up for me is adding my reading notes to the site. One of my favorite books of all time is Badass.

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