(2019-07-20) Guzey How To Make Friends Over The Internet
Alexey Guzey: How to make friends over the internet. Make friends over the internet with people who are great at things you’re interested in. (friendship, interest graph)
General principles of meeting people on the internet
90% of meeting people is reaching out
any platform that allows you to send private messages to people is a platform where you can make friends
I started asking my local mutuals
Strictly speaking, you don’t even need to tweet that much if you write impossible-to-resist cold DMs.
having some writing online is an excellent conversation starter, (WritingAsOnlineNetworking)
The most useful post on networking I’ve ever read…is Networking for Nerds by Ben Reinhardt (2017-12-26-ReinhardtNetworkingForNerds): How do some people seem to wind up with advocates everywhere? They create a little mental model of themselves that makes it easy for everybody they meet.
I looked at several dozen meetings I had over the last few months and wrote down how they came about. There’s no chance I would’ve been able to meet most of these people had I been born 10 or even 5 years earlier:
Note: I only write about successes here. For more than half of my “I asked them if they’d like to get a coffee” or “I DMd them” the person either wrote that they would not like to get a coffee with me or didn’t reply at all
I wish I could send a message to our kid selves: “you are not alone… it just happens that your brain-mates are distributed across the planet, lol, sorry
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