(2020-09-30) Wikiversity Introduction To Ill-structured Problems

Wikiversity: Introduction to Ill-Structured Problems. In order to understand what an ill-structured problem is and to design a collaborative environment to facilitate solving one, it is important to distinguish ill-structured from well-structured problems.

Collaboration and Ill-Structured Problems

When people collaborate, they are primarily engaged in designing a new approach in order to solve a genuinely unique problem. This problem that they are attempting to solve is generally ill-defined or ill-structured in nature. Collaborative workplace problems are typically ill-structured based on the fact that workers are attempting to solve a problem that is new to the organization...may have many different solutions

Well-structured problems are those in which the initial state, goal state, and constraints are clearly defined. Solving WSPs requires procedural knowledge that follows a completely defined and step-by-step, or rote procedure

Examples of well-structured problems that people perform at work include using a coffee machine, turning on and logging into their computer, and accessing email.

Ill-Structured Problems

The most meaningful and useful learning occurs at the ill-structured level

ISPs present uncertainty about which concepts, rules, and principles are necessary for the solution and how these should be organized. They require learners to make judgments about the problem and to defend their judgments by expressing personal opinions or beliefs

Examples of ISPs include redesigning a work process, designing a new product, or creating a new marketing strategy.

As in any continuum with opposites, most problems fall somewhere between well-structured and ill-structured problems

In organizations at every level, solving ISPs holds the most value compared to solving more well-defined problems that can be automated or taught more easily.

Heuristics are an important aspect of solving ISPs through expertise. These are often referred to as "tricks of the trade"

Designing a problem space that facilitates group collaboration involves creating an environment in which participants can work together to define the problem and apply heuristics in their areas of expertise.

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