(2021-03-26) Sloan Cloud Study

Robin Sloan: Cloud study. The website you’re reading is mostly static HTML, just web pages on a CDN, but for newsletter subscribers, it does offer a few bits of interactivity, and those bits require code to run somewhere other than your browser. For my projects, that “somewhere” has lately and reliably become cloud functions

Back in January, when I was putting this website together, I’d already implemented the subscriber tools on AWS Lambda when Google announced that their Cloud Functions would support Ruby. I did a little investigation and was so impressed that I switched everything over

I appreciate AWS Lambda’s role in kickstarting the whole “floating wisp of code” model, but/and I have found the system itself very funky to work with. Google’s Cloud Functions, particularly in Ruby, particularly with the scaffolding of the Functions Framework, has been a better experience in every respect.

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