(2021-04-10) Kanefield Things To Do To Strengthen Democracy

Teri Kanefield: Things To Do. So, how do we strengthen democracy? The cure for what ails us is more democracy, or what Obama calls “citizenship

#1: Run for Something (or help someone else run for something)

#2: Make sure you are connected with your local politics

#3: Get involved with your local elections

Good poll workers help voters vote

#5 Become a Voting Squad Captain

#6: Register New Voters

#7: Be a Community Organizer

#8: Be An Institutionalist

Defend Institutions is #2 on @TimothyDSnyder‘s list in his book, On Tyranny.

#9: Support the Democratic Party

#10: If you are a teacher consider an assignment requiring students to advocate on behalf of an issue of their choice. . .

#11: Also, if you’re a teacher, assign novels and stories about real-life young people who step up and do what the adults seem unable to manage

#12: Become a Social Engineer

#13: Help People Become Citizens

#14: Subscribe to local newspapers and national journals that do good investigative reporting

#15: Make your views known

#16: Take mental health breaks

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