(2021-05-27) Zvi M Covid 5/27 The Final Countdown

Zvi Mowshowitz: Covid-19 5/27: The Final Countdown. We are now a second week into The Great Unmasking, with no sign of trouble in the case numbers

The Numbers

Escape From the Lab

Until now, I’ve entirely dodged the question of the origins of Covid-19.

joins a long list of other questions in which the media, elites, authorities and censors treated a question as definitively one way, then abruptly shifted when that position stopped being defensible, and quickly started rewriting history

Consider the ‘stealth edits’ that Vox did to its old articles once a month had gone by and the ‘debunking’ had become common knowledge

After being caught doing this, Vox admitted they did the edits:

Essentially all claiming-to-be authoritative sources treated the lab hypothesis as pure conspiracy theory and utterly impossible up until the last few weeks, the same way they insisted there concerns about the virus in February were alarmist and racist, masks didn’t work, outdoor events were dangerous, vaccines would take a minimum of eighteen months and so on and so forth. I grow weary of typing the list out.

Noticing both that there is huge unnecessary risk of pandemics coming from wet markets or otherwise having a natural origin, and that a pandemic could easily come from a lab accident, is what matters, regardless of which origin led to Covid-19 in particular.

At this point, I think I am somewhat below Nate Silver’s 60% odds that the virus escaped from the lab, and put myself at about 40%, but I haven’t looked carefully and this probability is weakly held.

Despite all the other ways in which we were misled, until last week I still reliably put lower probability on the lab leak theory than I should have on reflection.

My model says this is how the system works by default, with all who form the system instinctively moving to implement the suppression of such speculations, without any need to coordinate.

There likely is no conspiracy. In contrast, there is totally a cover up.

I’m at 98%+ that there was a de facto cover-up, even if the virus didn’t leak from the lab

In Other News

Zeynep thread about school infection rates. Masks and ventilation work but not as much as one would hope, and barriers and desk spacing were the goggles and did nothing

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