(2021-07-28) Fibery Raises $31m Seed Round To Build A Second Brain For Teams

Fibery raises $3.1M Seed Round to build a second brain for teams. We started to think about another dimension of productivity — insights or aha-moments. We define teams’ productivity as quantity and quality of insights. (see (2020-02-20) Matuschak On Note-Taking)

Imagine a tool that helps you to answer impossible questions, like “What should we work on next?” This question is easy to ask, but we still rely on our intuition to answer it. Or a question “Why we are doing this task at all?” Answers to these questions boost team motivation and sense of purpose. These insights are deep.

Programmers have their IDE. Designers have their IDE. But most knowledge workers don’t. For example, product managers use many disconnected tools to create static specifications that lack context. Why is there no IDE for product managers? Why is there no IDE for lawyers?

We, at Fibery, are helping teams solve complex problems.

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