(2021-08-16) Eliason The Generational Wealth Opportunity

Nat Eliason 275: The Generational Wealth Opportunity. Pull the right levers (leverage), and you can 10-100x your earning potential by learning how to produce the work of many people. Or, by learning how to reach many more people with your work.

These two gifts of technology: greater output and greater reach, have dramatically increased the opportunities for individual wealth generation.

You just need to build

For these next few years, perhaps the next decade, those generational wealth opportunities are going to be in Web3 (crypto, blockchain).

Something will come after it, perhaps VR or Space, but for now, that's where the next area of growth is.

Learning Solidity is the highest leverage thing you can learn

there are actually a lot of other skills that these companies need

What's really different is how you find the work. Start exploring various crypto companies and join their public Discords. Become active in the community, interact with the people on the team, try to be helpful. Then watch for opportunities.

there are a few guiding questions for Web3 that I think help a lot:

  • What do the unbanked need?
  • Where can you unlock the value of work? Crypto video games like Axie Infinity and Crypto Raiders are gaining popularity because they allow players to reclaim some of the value of their work. When you play hours of Fortnite and earn rare skins, there's no way to cash out that work into dollars.
  • How can you remove barriers between creators and consumers? Most of our consumption is filtered and taxed through different intermediaries like YouTube.

cf (2021-08-12) Eliason The Lifechanging Magic Of Highspeed Career Sampling

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