(2021-09-19) Wardley Those Virtual Battlegrounds

Simon Wardley: Those virtual battlegrounds. In this post I’d like to discuss why I believe video games will become a new battleground for the soul (culture) of a country.

The basics

figure 1 — the culture map.

When we focus on the “We”, we’re focused on our collectives ability to control our environment (see figure 2 below). It’s all about power with others

figure 2 — the culture map and collective power.

When we focus on the “Me”, we’re focused on our individuality and our agency

hence power over others.

*Often this is represented through concepts like hierachy, ownership and exclusion. I’ve show this in figure 3.

figure 3 — the culture map and agency*

But there is another form of power worth noting. That is the power that I have but which I gift to others.

gifted power to others

*I’ve represented this in figure 4 and the link from power through behaviours (i.e. sharing of power) to values (i.e. we believe in sharing).

figure 4 — the culture map and gifting power to others*

However, you can shift the balance between over and to by shifting the values in a collective

there are many ways to adjust the beliefs (i.e. values) of a collective.

Another way to change values is to alter memories i.e. rituals, symbols and heroes (see figure 5). Art is a powerful means of changing values and hence the behaviour in others.

So what about video games?

Video games are art.

Let us first skip past the tendency of the industry to try and turn children into addicts with cheap psychological tricks in return for money. Yes, it’s abhorrent

Ignoring that, the games themselves have values embedded within them whether it’s belief in property (the hoarding of gold coins) or fairness or unfairness (e.g. pay to play schemes where the wealthy can pay for advantage) or sharing or whatever the creator wishes.

Video games are now so widespread and immersive that they must be considered a powerful channel for spreading values rivalling that of radio, television and film. (meme)

If you think China is simply reducing video game usage in children for reasons of addiction, I would suggest you consider that it is also limiting exposure to unfavourable beliefs

In the battle between nations, kinetic warfare occurs when all other means have failed i.e. direct conflict is the lowest form of warfare. Whilst alliances, collaboration and co-operation are far better, the most powerful forms are when you simply persuade others to just become you by altering their behaviours, values, memories, rituals

Fortunately, people are starting to talk more about this i.e. Tyler Cowen on How Gaming Will Change Humanity as We Know It.

the manipulation of individuals through artificial collectives is quite common, this goes much further — micro targetting of behavioural changes through video games is well within the realm of the possible. (nudging)

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