(2021-11-17) Eghbal - 27 - Friend Groups

Nadia Eghbal 27: Friend groups. Kevin Kwok has a schtick about how friend groups underinvest in themselves. A group of people with high mutual trust, shared interests, and low coordination costs have already solved for many of the issues that otherwise prevent humans from accomplishing great things. (cf support group)

I've been thinking about whether friendships could be described as having a purpose beyond personal fulfillment, and I think it shares some parallels with dating

at some point, if you're not committing to something – building towards a "we" that exists outside of yourself – the initial thrill of intimacy begins to take on a saccharine, artificial quality.

Similarly, there's a version of modern friendship that feels like dating around, especially because it's extremely easy to meet new people these days.

if you never really settle down and commit to those friendships, you're just collecting names

I think there could also be a implied commitment not just towards each other as individuals, but to a shared sense of self. To try on a more normative version of friendship, perhaps we could say: "A group of friends who enjoy each others' company ought to build something together."

doesn't have to mean starting a company

it might mean acknowledging the existence of a shared group identity

The strongest groups I can think of have nicknames

more opportunities could emerge, such as

Starting a company

Starting an angel fund, fellowship, or grant program to support people or ideas you like

Starting a publication

Starting a public library, studio

Starting a group house or building a compound together

Other Internet provides an excellent framework for positive-sum squad thinking in their essay "Squad Wealth" - (2020-08-19) Shorin Squad Wealth

“Let's buy a bar together” or “Let's buy land and move to the country and raise our kids together” are common refrains among urban-dwelling 20somethings, but very few people actually do it.

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