(2022-01-30) How To Assign Samples To A Midi Keyboard In Garageband

How To Assign Samples to A MIDI Keyboard in GarageBand.

*To assign samples to a MIDI keyboard in GarageBand

  1. Open the Sampler with AU Instruments > Apple > AUSampler
  2. Press the gear icon, then “Add Sample”
  3. Open the Sample
  4. Eliminate the “Sine 110 Built-In” with the Subtract Button
  5. Choose the Key Range, ie, “C-4,” and then the key “C4”*

This is the brunt of how you assign samples to the MIDI keyboard in GarageBand, and the great thing about this is that it will work with the Musical Typing keyboard, a MIDI keyboard connected with an audio interface, or via a more modern USB-C connection.

First, I’ll show you the video on assigning samples, and then I’ll show how it’s done with text and pictures the way I normally do:

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