(2022-02-07) Martinez Gen X Marks The Spot

Antonio Garcia Martinez: GenX marks the spot. Now that Baby Boomers and Millennials have both ganged up to cancel Joe Rogan on Spotify, can we finally agree that Gen X was the last, good American generation?

Gen Xer Joe Rogan, whose audience is larger than that of CNN and the populations of all the countries CNN has encouraged us to invade in the past 20 years.

Not only are Gen Xers the last good generation, but also one in the uniquely weird situation of getting spit-roasted by the power and moral opprobrium of its bracketing generations (as Rogan is now). Gen X went from flipping off the censorious Boomers to losing their jobs thanks to the even more inquisitorial Millennials, a sandwich generation of freedom between slices of pious sermonizing.

The people saying ‘ok Boomer’, especially to the people they’re saying it to, act largely like…Boomers. Preachy, tight-assed, obsessed with purity rituals, and generally anxious and humorless.

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