(2022-03-24) Hunt Narrative And Metaverse Pt3 The Luther Protocol
Ben Hunt: Narrative and Metaverse, Pt. 3: The Luther Protocol. Today we begin the battle to reclaim our humanity and our autonomy of mind.
The Golden Rule is one of the Oldest Stories. It is certainly the Best Story. It is written in ancient Egyptian fables, preserved in papyri from the Middle Kingdom. It is written in the Sanskrit epic “Mahabarata”, as the way in which dharma manifests itself in human affairs. It is written in the Greek texts of Thales and Pythagoras. It is written in the Persian texts of Zoroaster. It is written in the Sermon on the Mount. We’re going to write it again.
From Asimov Foundation: *The Three Theorems of Psychohistorical Quantitivity:
- The population under scrutiny is oblivious to the existence of the science of Psychohistory.
- The time periods dealt with are in the region of 3 generations.
- The population must be in the billions for a statistical probability to have a psychohistorical validity.*
From SnowCrash:
We are all susceptible to the pull of viral ideas.
Like mass hysteria. Or a tune that gets into your head that you keep humming all day until you spread it to someone else.
Jokes. Urban legends. Crackpot religions. Marxism.
These two quotes are at the core of my thinking about narrative and metaverse, and how we can write the Old Stories and sing the Old Songs again.
As importantly, though, these two books are at the core of my thinking about narrative and the metaverse, and how we can write the Old Stories and sing the Old Songs again. I was 16 when I read the Foundation Trilogy, 28 when I read Snow Crash. They’re books that I read at just the right time in my life, books that have informed and influenced everything that came after them. Books that left a scar.
We’ve all had that experience, right? Books that we read at just the right time? And books that we didn’t.
Why would a book need just the right timing to hit us so hard
And why do we all read these life-changing books in our teens and 20s?
I believe it’s because our linguistic neural clusters, certainly those focused on grammatical and narrative structures, are not fully formed in our teens and 20s. (imprinting)
It’s the same reason why artistic discovery is dominated by the young. There is no body of knowledge at the heart of good art
You just have to make a new neural connection, one that no one has made before. Good art – art that changes the way we think – is always the shock of the new.
Particularly in the most important arena of human creativity, religious and philosophical discovery, it’s easier for the less neurally hardwired to connect the soul and the self to the world-as-it-is in a way that sparks action and insurgency against the Snake
But here’s the thing. I don’t think any of us, including the physically young, are neurally young anymore. I think all of us, including the physically young, have been neurally aged and locked into pernicious, not-creative ways of thinking by the crowding-out and constant blare of the Snake-enabled narratives of the Nudging State and Nudging Oligarchy.
by Big Tech, Big Media and Big Politics
I believe that we are being physically altered to be a less creative, less self-aware, and less empathetic species. We’ve been doing this for thousands of years with other sentient species. Human selection on “tameness”....
yes, smaller brains. It’s the one physical alteration that all domesticated animal species share relative to their non-domesticated cousins.
I believe that we are being domesticated through selective narratives for a social monoculture in exactly the same way that other sentient species are domesticated through selective breeding for a protein monoculture
To be sure, this physical alteration of the human species has been happening for a long time. Since the invention of language
I believe we are close to crossing an event horizon of social organization
Once societal change is established in the metaverse, it becomes difficult if not impossible to think the thoughts that would allow the reversal of that change.
My hope is that a biological SCIENCE of narrative expression – call it biosemiotics or biolinguistics – will encourage researchers to take the amazing work that’s been done in microbiology and virology over the past 50 years and apply it to the social sciences.
Social science today, based on a witches brew of formal economics and tortured, largely non-replicable data analysis, is worse than a dead end. It is – and I say this as a former high priest of the church – the ruin of the world
My hope is that a biological STORY of how narratives can literally infect our thoughts by altering the physical patterning of neuron clusters within our brain will encourage everyone to focus on the poisonous narrative waters in which we swim, perhaps seeing it for the first time in their lives, and take action to heal themselves and their families.
I do not know a single person – myself included – who is not mentally more vulnerable than they were a few years ago and, if we’re being honest with ourselves, is not feeling mentally … altered
We are all LIVING less today than we were a few years ago. We are all LOVING less today than we were a few years ago. We are all REFLECTING less today than we were a few years ago. (aliveness)
Now it’s time for us to fight against those same agents of loss. It will require sacrifice
But fight how?
You know, my original idea for how to save the world was to use the tools of the Snake to beat them at their own game. My plan was to crowd-out their self-serving transactional and tribal narratives with new implementations of the Old Stories. It’s basically the plot of Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy, that a secret priesthood of psycho-historians, properly armed with the knowledge of a Narrative Machine, could set the world straight by nudging humanity onto a better path.
the Old Stories aren’t like the narratives of Big Tech/Media/Politics. They don’t have to be nudged onto us. The Old Stories don’t have to be sold or transacted. In fact, it corrupts them if they are. No, they only have to be uncovered
You just have to remember the words.
To stick with the biological framework – the Old Stories are our immune system
How do we fight? How do we reclaim our humanity? By activating our neural immune system. This is the Luther Protocol.
Sola scriptura means “by the Bible alone”. It was Martin Luther’s rejection of the State-sponsored narrative that the only way to be free of sin was to work through a priestly caste that interpreted the Bible for you and told you its “true” meaning. Instead, Luther sang that we are ALL wise enough to see the Truth for ourselves without the intermediation of self-interested and self-aggrandizing institutions
Sola fides means “by Faith alone”. It was Luther’s rejection of the State-sponsored narrative that good deeds can buy you a place in heaven
Luther wasn’t shaking his finger at you and telling you the Truth. Luther was telling you that the Truth was inside you all along.
Sola scriptura becomes a rejection of the narrative missionary class, those who shake their finger at us and tell us how to think about the world, those who create our modern Fiat World of reality by assertion.
Sola scriptura is recreated in modern form through a browser-based Narrative Early Warning System (NEWS) that alerts us to the specific linguistic structures that weaponize the Tribal narratives of Big Tech/Media/Politics.
Sola fides becomes a rejection of the powerful state and corporate interests who would shoo us away from reading the texts that form the metaversal foundations of small-l liberalism and small-c conservatism, who would have us trade our autonomy of mind for a mess of pottage.
Sola fides is recreated in modern form through the Narrative Omni-Archive for Humanity (NOAH), an ark of stories that are inviolable from government censorship and, more difficult still, from the seductive Transactional narratives of Big Tech/Media/Politics.
In a few weeks, a major university will be announcing a significant donation from an Epsilon Theory pack member’s family to establish a narrative research center within the university
The core network-aware technology for NEWS is Natural Language Processing (NLP). We develop a lexicon of grammatical units of meaning that are specific to Tribal narrative archetypes (for example, see our note An Inconvenient Truce), and we make a real-time comparison between what you’re reading in a browser and that lexicon. ((2022-01-03) Guinn An Inconvenient Truce)
The core network-aware technology for NOAH is a blockchain. We tap into the enormous spirit of the crypto community to develop a robust protocol (for example, see our note The Green Protocol: A New Vision for Crypto, Pt. 2) for archiving and retrieving texts, a protocol that can’t be blocked by China or bought by Disney. (censorship)
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