(2022-04-15) Martin Fission And The Future Of Computing

Jess Martin: Fission and the Future of Computing. In the last update, I announced that I was joining the team at Fission as a research engineer

what does Fission do exactly?

Fission is set up as an industrial research lab, in a similar vein as Ink and Switch.

If you’re interested in learning more about industrial research, I highly recommend this podcast with Peter VanHardenburg from Ink & Switch.

Fission doesn’t sell a product, but rather builds technologies for people who build products. When Fission does build a product, they build primarily to learn whether the technologies are well-adapted solutions to the problem

At the highest level, the reason I have happily joined Fission is because we align on a vision for computing itself. Briefly: computers are a transformative tool for humans and are still relatively young. In order for computers to reach their full potential, it needs to be easier for anyone to fully customize their computer, a task we currently call “programming.

How could we make computing easier and more accessible? Boris Mann and Brooke, Fission’s cofounders, began asking this question several years ago. They have been steadily and humbly building new primitives which will eventually enable new ways of “programming.”

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