(2022-04-23) Fisher Why Im No Longer Using Obsidian Publish

Nicola Fisher: Why I’m no longer using Obsidian Publish. It’s been a year minus 4 days since I signed up for Obsidian Publish...

If you use Obsidian but don’t have a website, Obsidian Publish is a great option.

As an Early Bird my annual renewal was $96. The full annual price is $192. I think that’s quite expensive. Or, at least, I don’t feel it’s worth it for me.

Blot is described as a blogging platform with no interface. It turns a folder into a website. As well as Word and HTML, Blot works with text and markdown. This meant that I could write in Obsidian, share my notes via Dropbox and publish on Blot. I pay $4 a month for Blot. I dragged and dropped the content within Obsidian into two folders, one for my posts, the other for pages — to reflect the way Blot works.

If you’re using Publish to share a Digital Garden, with links, backlinks and references and graph, then Blot might not be the solution for you. I’m experimenting with backlinks in Blot for possible future use, and it does work.

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