(2022-04-28) Balaji The Elondrop

Balaji Srinivasan: The Elondrop The deal may have been signed, but the campaign is just beginning. Elon should go over the heads of the establishment to offer all Twitter users a deal: every account worldwide gains full control over their username in a crypto wallet, plus a share of Twitter's new coin, if they can help him get the requisite legal clearance in their jurisdictions and the acquisition goes through. (Musk Buys Twitter)

And if he doesn't do this? The American authorities may just take it all away.

Elon still doesn't quite have the coalition he needs to win, if he fights this as an intra-American political battle.

Because already we see a swarming, gathering horde that's going to spend every minute of the next few months trying to torpedo the deal. By dint of what it is, and who he is, Twitter and Elon have become the current thing – that which the establishment's malign attention is focused on.

Could they cut off Twitter from the internet? Ask the FCC to intervene? Get Twitter employees to leak? Accuse him of bad behavior? Claim he's violating a non-disparagement clause?

Anything and everything will be tried because the American establishment rightly senses they won't win a game of free speech and free markets anymore

After all, until social media most people did not have practical freedom of speech. Only the owners of media corporations (MSM) and their employees did.

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