(2022-05-05) Unigraph A Humanscaled Database As An Extension Of Your Brain

A human-scaled database as an extension of your brain. Unigraph provides an alternative approach - “what if we create software or digital spaces that treats users as holistic beings?” We believe that the human experience is irreducible: we cannot take anything we created away from the original context and expect it not to lose some of its meaning. A contact is not just some phone numbers and email addresses - it’s an experience with every message and email you exchange, every meeting you have and related meeting logs, every Tweet and LinkedIn updates they sent, and every time you mention them in your notes. (associative PIM)

Being focused on the internet has become increasingly harder. Mostly, this friction is simply due to how isolated each app is from another. If I was writing a reflection on a project and has to look something up, I’d have to jump out of the writing context first, then spend a lot of time going through all possible places relevant info could be stored, at the same time risking being distracted by anything that pops up.

the wikilink syntax not only searches for relevant notes or contacts, but for any type of object and uses the same powerful algorithm as above under the hood, and then pop up related results to link to under the text, without interfering with the current workflow.

Finally, the ability to create data with fractal complexity means that users can create their own data types and views using existing building blocks, without the need to write any code

we’ve raised an angel round backed by angels like Andrew Sutherland (founder of Quizlet) and Jeromy Johnson (first engineer at IPFS).

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