(2022-06-27) ZviM Air Conditioner Repair

Zvi Mowshowitz: Air Conditioner Repair. A few weeks ago, the in-wall air conditioner in our bedroom ceased to function.

Then, a few days before they were supposed to show up, our other in-wall air conditioner sprung a leak

Their report was that both air conditioners were unfixable.

They could send over a contract for the new units, it would be… $28,000.

a second quote would be a very good idea

Two hours later, both air conditioners were working again, and they sent out for the part to install the failsafe.

I asked the man if there was any way the other repairmen could have made an honest mistake saying the units needed to be replaced. His answer: “No.”

What To Do About That First Company I’m not sure.... What am I supposed to do now? Chargeback? Report to better business bureau?

What about takeaways in general?

First of all, get a second opinion.

Second: remember to be scope sensitive and give proper attention when there are bigger stakes. A small number of relatively big decisions are worth quite a lot,

Third, air conditioner repair seems like a damn fine business (vo-tech)

you’re making three figures an hour while doing an actual physical useful thing. Centrally, you solve puzzles, figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it, and make things work again. Very not alienating. It sure seems like it beats a lot of ‘white collar’ jobs I’ve seen, and it’s open to pretty much anyone

you do well by doing good.

seems relatively safe from automation

In general, the category of ‘physical work to make physical things work that requires skills but which can be learned’ seems like it pays pretty well and has strong demand.

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