(2022-07-19) Aldrich Hypothesis As An Offlabel Zettelkasten

Chris Aldrich on Hypothes.is as an off-label zettelkasten?! It wasn’t built specifically to be used as one, but is anyone actively using Hypothes.is as an off-label zettelkasten just by itself? The platform has most of the basic functionalities one would want for a digital ZK

The interesting piece is that if many are doing this in public, then folks can reply to others’ notes and even cross-link their public notes. (They’ve got the ability to have public and private notes, as well as groups for collaboration, which are functionalities most ZK don’t have as well.) (Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts)

I know some have mentioned Hypothes.is as an annotation tool for their note taking before. There are a few who use it as an online platform for notes and then they leverage the platform’s API or feeds to export their data to their tool of choice. (I’ve used Hypothes.idian for Obsidian to do just this.)

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