(2022-07-26) Reactions to Spring83 protocol

Maya: initial musing on robin sloan’s spring ‘83 protocol idea

My gut instinct with protocols is as Everest Pipkin’s: i believe profoundly in a fucked up hand-made stolen-html-blocks hotlinked-images internet

In the spec, though, Robin says that clients do get to choose how to sequence things, so by-last-updated might be an option

Anyway, I’ll talk a bit more about the iframe comparison down at the bottom

tilde.town has cadastre, which is sort of a collaborative ASCII-art town/quilt

mmm.page nurtures similar aesthetics

spring ‘83 vs. iframes If I were roughing out something like this project, I’d probably start by thinking hard about webgardens. I continue to be extremely butthurt that dynamic transclusion of iframes is extremely common for advertising and not for expressive web stuff.

I do still use RSS as more of a notification stream than a consumption stream

hotglue similarly says: click, drag, drop in an insouciant live-laugh-love cursive

mmm.page and hotglue and comic logs present things in isolation, Multiverse in a stream of vertical panels. It’s fun to think about more complicated ways little blocks could be laid out.

My gut desire is always for social media accommodating closer to Darius’s 50-ish, Dunbar’s tiers.

One uncomfortable thing about this is that it replicates a scarcity logic of space in an unscarce medium

Kinopio is a sort of notetaking webpage maker, and it lets you connect little blocks with edges that have labels

There’s a thing called webgardens over in the static site revival community

There’s unexpected energy in the space of “being able to lay out elements visually on a 2d plane and know that the browser isn’t going to wrap them somewhere you didn’t mean”.

Kicks Condor’s scrapchats and Weiwei Xu’s comic logs and a lot of engineering work from them both gave birth to Multiverse. I recommend everyone scroll through those and spend some time thinking about why it is people want to make things that work that way

Robin Sloan is someone of whom we in maya dot land (all of us nibbling on lichen under the bridge here) think highly, and altweb projects are fantastic, so if you haven’t gone and read through his protocol proposal go do that!

Following people outside of a feed – Tracy Durnell

Thinking how a nonlinear feed / follow page could be constructed in an IndieWeb fashion, I bet it would be possible to hack together displaying the h-cards of everyone you’re subscribed to on a page similar to the IndieWebRing directory

I do like the idea of cards for people / feeds and might try that presentation out on my blogroll 🤔

From an IndieWeb own-your-content standpoint, I’d want to post the canonical form of a board to my site and have it populate through to anyone’s collections.

These updateable blocks do a little make me think of Now pages, which often seem to be set up then rarely updated — so treating boards as less of a calling card / homepage and more as ephemeral content like tweets or Stories could create a positive feedback loop of users both posting and visiting more often (although fostering FOMO is maybe dark pattern-y?).

Thoughts on the Spring ‘83 protocol draft

I think the user experience of having to generate a new key every two years and tell all your friends about it is quite bad

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