(2022-08-02) Milo I Guess Im Going To Write A Book
Nick Milo: I guess I'm going to write a book. I will be ideating, mapping, and writing the entire book in Obsidian.
This book will be my biggest effort yet using Obsidian and the LYT principles
I have used my PKM—my innernet—for several massive undertakings:
producing two feature-length films
co-creating and growing an international fitness boxing business
navigating the entertainment industry going from PA to TV Editor
And yet, people like to say that PKM doesn’t have a “serious” use case.
Perhaps they need to be reminded of some of Tolkien’s most famous words:
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
I have been wandering in my notes.
But I haven’t been lost.
It’s been joyful.
I didn’t do it to write a book. But because I wandered, I am now in a position to write one
Their “you’re not serious enough” attitude is getting in the way of play! (playful)
those who play, increase their surface area of luck.
Having an innernet is the ultimate superweapon.
That is, if you want to: forget less, think better, learn deeply, remember more, reliably generate ideas, make unexpected insights, and swim in an innovative environment this is 100% yours.
A newer definition for sabbatical:
time away from the “always-on” nature of working in a digital world.
So what am I doing?
Going to the beach
Organizing stuff at home
Getting rid of a lot of stuff
Not working on too many big things
Reading multiple books at the same time
going to the beach creates a hard context snap for me. ‘Our environments shape us’ is one of the most powerful—and useful—mental models I keep handy.
Your digital notes should be a joy to use. Are they?
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